Open Source ❤️
Most of our platform are released under the Apache 2.0 license. We love Open Source and as Vercel, we also see Open Source as our medium.
We are always looking for help with our projects. Read our contribution guide to get started!
Below you'll find our Open Source projects and the intentions our team has with them.
Backoffice is the administration console for Tabetalt
Tabetalt Backoffice is a React-based administration console for the whole e-commerce solution.
The technical implementation of Tabetalt Designsystem, based on Theme UI.
Tabetalt Kit is the technical implementation of Tabetalt Designsystem. It is based on Theme UI and features theme and a collection of components for use in Tabetalt applications.
Our intentions are to stylize according to Tabetalt Designsystem on all Theme UI components.
Other smaller projects
- tabetalt/pulumix – Pulumi template-resources
- tabetalt/infra-config – Infrastructure Configuration
- tabetalt/service-version-action – Update Service Version with Github Action
- tabetalt/kopier – Copy stuff between repositories
- tabetalt/docusaurus-multiple-docs – Multiple sidebars in Docusaurus